Who We Serve
​The Canticle Garden is a gathering space and pilgrim site designed for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Works of Mercy Ministry is a ministry serving persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families to foster a harvest of friendship, understanding, respect, and a greater appreciation of a Franciscan Spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood in the world.
The Canticle Garden is designed intentionally for our IDD community. This includes members, their families, their churches, their communities, the institutions where many of them reside, the volunteers who help with programs, and the donors who assist in providing the resources for the programs.
All are welcome and encouraged to visit The Canticle Garden.
A Prayer of
St. Francis for Disabilities
Lord, let thy peace fill me up until I overflow;
that where people cannot speak, I may be their advocate;
that where anyone is rejected, I may extend my arms in welcome;
that where parents are heavy burdened, I may offer a word of comfort;
that where our children struggle, I may lift them up and cheer; that where some see disability, I may reveal to them extraordinary gifts;
that where others judge, I may share with them my deep gladness;
and that where any are overlooked, I may help the lights of all to shine.
Oh giver of these gifts, grant that I may not so much seek to be reassured as to reassure;
to be praised as to praise;
to be accepted as to accept;
for it is in all our uncertainty that we are inspired to hope;
it is in great challenges that we discover our greatest joys,
and it is in our community of wanderers that we find the way home.
Tim Tucker
Both Hands and a Flashlight
Parenting, Autism, and the Pursuit of Being Awesome