We are responding to Laudato Si'
We join Christians worldwide who are responding to the message of Laudato Si', Pope Francis' encyclical letter on Care for Our Common Home.
The Pope wants us all to undergo an 'ecological conversion' because "We … need a new ecological approach, which transforms our way of living in the world, our lifestyles, our relationship with the Earth's resources and in general the way we look at people and live our life...to respond to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. (LS 49)
The Canticle Garden is responding to that cry with a wave of energy and an action plan in the journey and spirit of Laudato Si - one that responds directly to the invitation of Pope Francis "to practice a new way of living, one that is good, true and beautiful." (LS 205)
We commit to taking action together because it is 'urgent and necessary.' (LS 57)
Click here to read the letter and find out more.
All are welcome at The Canticle Garden as a place to gather, reflect on Laudato Si' and discern actions we can take to care for God’s creation, together.

Specifically, the Canticle Garden focuses on four distinct goals of the Laudato Si' Action Platform:
This message of Laudato Si' impels us in all our communities, ministries and spheres of influence to "hear the cry of the earth and the poor" (LS 49).
Pope Francis
A prayer for our earth
A Prayer for Our Earth is from Pope Francis's encyclical, Laudato Si', and is a call for greater care of the Earth and of each other.